Welcome To Akhuwat Foundation Loan

Well Come To DR Amjad Saqib  Loan Foundation  Chairmain 2025

Akhuwat Foundation Loan Apply 2025

The Akhuwat Foundation 2025 Program is a key part of the foundation work of criteria positive change in Pakistan economy and Society. This program offer interest free loan interest rate in the microfinance industry worldwide. It aim in the help people like small business owner former and women giving them the money they need to achieve their goal and improved their lives.Akhuwat Foundation Apply Loan Visite Our Official website and Achived and Loan Payment.The Akhuwat Foundation  loan is different because it has to interest and is easy to get the foundation on trust and community individual working with local leader a grand group to give out Loan .This model make the loan more than just money transaction. They also will trust to support in the community promoting culture of giving Back Akhuwat.

The Award Recognises and Honours Indiviusal and orangansation In Asia.Regard of Race creed Gender or natationaly ,Who have Achieved Distinction and have help others generously without aiming for Public recongnition.

The Award has been given to over Three Hundred personal and Organisation in the past five decades. The trust of the foundation annual select the award. Who are then present with certificate and the Medal with an image of Ramon Magsaysay. The award regulate in the Asian version of the Nobel Prize.Akhuwat Foundation Loan .

This award is Asian Premiere price and highest owner and is present outstanding individual in Asian for their selfish contribution to their society previous celebration of this award include Abdul Sattar and Balqees is the Mother  noble Laureate Dr Muhammad Youns Khan.

Daily Live Application Approved

Daily Loan Approved
Daily Loan Percentage

Eligibility Criteria For Loan Apply 2025

  • Application Should have Valid CNIC.
  • Having the Ability to Run Business Activity having age Between 18-60 Year old .
  • Application Should be Economically of any criminal offence of Which Processing are Progress.
  • Application Should have Good and Moral Character in his Community.
  • Application Should have Capacity to Provied Tow Guarantord other than Family.
  • Application Should be Resident of Operational area of Branch officie Which Might criteria may be Varied.

Social Appraisal

Social application Aim into verify character and credible of the application by visiting his suggestion place after receiving the application unit manager perform social application through following method.

  1.  Information from accepting browser
  2. from the living style of the application
  3. view of the neighbour about the application
  4. personal interview family interview

Business Appraisal

Application will be forward to the branch manager who will application the social and business application processing once again and contact and meeting with browser and their culture Guarantors.

Akhuwat Loan Student Apply

  1. The Akhuwat  Foundation offers student loan to make education
  2. more affordable and acceptable this program help cover important
  3. cost like tuition fees book and study material making in arise for
  4. student of focus on the studies.
  5. The develop and situation a social system based on mutual support
  6. which individual is a life full of respect and dignity .


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